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University of Hard Knocks I Can The World's Greatest People
FREEStop Smoking Program
I Can Quit Smoking. I Can Stop Smoking. Yes I Can.
I Can Learn How NOT To Smoke While Continuing To Smoke
And Thus To Automatically Stop Smoking In FIVE Proven Steps

Steps ONE, TWO, & THREE of Five Steps
Go To a Summary of All FIVE STEPS
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Go To Step FOUR

This stop smoking program has been written in first person because there is power when "I" is expressed. So use it as if it is for you and you alone.

  • I will always follow my family doctor's advise when undertaking any form of lifestyle change.
  • I will continue to smoke as often as I want during STEPS ONE, TWO, & THREE. I do NOT think about quitting because I know that I will stop automatically when the proper time comes.
  • Step ONE - I will take St. John's Wort (SJW). (or any Doctor prescribed antidepressant - NOT both). SJW is a natural dietary supplement, which is a mild antidepressant. One capsule three times each day. If I have any side effects, I will stop taking it and see my Doctor immediately. DO NOT take it if pregnant or nursing. If I am on any type of medication, I will check with my doctor before taking SJW.
  • SJW is the safest of all antidepressants. It contains no nicotine. It is a dietary supplement. It helps me control my craving for cigarettes because it helps support a positive mental outlook, mood-brightening, relaxation, alertness, and a sense of overall well-being. Cigarettes will also taste terrible. These attributes are essential for me to have as I learn how NOT to smoke. It will take a week or more for enough SJW to build up in my system to become effective.
  • The cost for SJW is about $9 a month and is available everywhere. The NoSmoking positive personal support and know how is an optional $25.00 per month. Give NoSmoking a try and when you are satisfied that we have earned a $25.00 optional fee, then you can pay it. No obligation. We will help, with or without the $25.00 fee.
  • I understand that an importnt part of being successful is to associate with people who will give positive support. Therefore, I should Step TWO - seek support duing every STEP from NoSmoking. I can do this very easily by email. I know that positive support from someone who is going or has gone through the process of learning how NOT to smoke is essential for my success.
  • Step THREE - My mind is made up NOT to smoke in any vehicle or any building (ask, there are a couple of exceptions).
  • I am learning how NOT to smoke. Once I learn how NOT to smoke, I will automatically stop smoking by following these FIVE STEPS.
  • I will not worry about STEP FOUR. It will be easier than STEPS 1, 2, & 3. The time for each STEP may be one or more weeks.

  • Step FOUR of Five Steps
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    Go To Step FIVE

  • My mind is Made Up. I am learning how NOT to smoke.
  • I will continue to smoke as often as I want. I do NOT think about quitting because I know that I will stop automatically when the proper time comes. If I drink coffee, I will continue just like always.
  • I will continue to take St. John's Wort. One, two, or three capsule(s) each day, to reduce my craving for cigarettes by preventing depression. I will continue to follow my doctor's advice.
  • Step FOUR - I will NOT inhale. I will smoke the whole cigarette.
  • Each time I smoke I will hold the smoke in my mouth and realize how bad it taste and how much I hate cigarettes. I will make sure that each time I smoke NOT TO INHALE.
  • I understand that an important part of being successful is to associate with people who will give positive support. Therefore, I should seek support in each STEP from NoSmoking. This support is included in the cost. I know that positive support from someone who is going or has gone through the process of learning how NOT to smoke is essential for my success. I can easily do this by email.
  • To help me learn how NOT to smoke, I will read this entire brochure as often as I feel the need. Once I learn how NOT to smoke, I will automatically stop smoking by following the FIVE STEPS.
  • I will NOT worry about STEP FIVE. It is easier than STEPS 1, 2, 3, and 4. I know that the process of learning how NOT to smoke is an individual one. Each step may take one or more weeks.
  • It is a proven scientific fact that it takes at least 21 days to change ones behavior. I will help break the old habit by smoking in places that are not my regular smoking places. I know each day will get easier and easier and easier, because I am learning NOT to smoke.
  • I know that I MUST NOT INHALE and continue to take SJW, a dietary supplement to reduce my craving by preventing depression.
  • I know that the day will come when I will hate cigarettes and thus I will automatically stop smoking by following these FIVE STEPS. 

  • Step FIVE of Five Steps
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    Go To Summary of the Five Steps

  • I may continue to smoke - - - outdoors.
  • I will NOT inhale. I will smoke all of each cigarette.
  • I do NOT think about quitting because I know that I will stop automatically by following these FIVE STEPS.
  • Each Time I smoke I will hold the smoke in my mouth and be aware of how bad cigarettes taste and how much I hate cigarettes. Smoking is ridiculous. I will take a deep breath when I feel the urge to smoke and the urge will go away and will come less often and be weaker each time. I want to wait a few minutes before I smoke.
  • I will continue to take St. John's Wort, one or two capsule(s) each day, or less, to reduce my craving for cigarettes by preventing depression. I will continue to follow my doctor's advice.
  • I am leaving the cigarettes at home most of the time. I am now finding that Step FIVE - I do not want to take cigarettes with me.
  • I understand that an important part of being successful is to associate with people who will give positive support. Therefore, I should continue to seek support as needed from NoSmoking. I know that positive support from someone who is going or has gone through the process of learning how not to smoke is essential for my success. I can do this very easily by email. This is included in the cost.
  • I am not concerned about how long STEP FIVE takes.
  • I am learning how NOT to smoke. Once I learn how NOT to smoke, I will automatically stop smoking. I will hate cigarettes.
  • I know as long as I continue not to inhale, my lungs are cleaning themselves and before long I will not want a cigarette. I will hate cigarettes. I will automatically stop by following these five steps.
  • During STEP FIVE, I will evaluate my need of becoming a Mentor in this NoSmoking program. Free details are available by email.
  • I know that once I automatically quit smoking, that it will be possible for me to smoke, when I least expect it. If I should light a cigarette in the future, I MUST NOT INHALE. As long as I do not inhale I should feel like a winner because no harm has been done. I am a Winner. If I slip up and inhale, it is no big deal if I immediately stop and DO NOT INHALE any more. 

    This NoSmoking Program was Developed by Bill Allred, BS,MS,SSD
    Our email address is:
    Phone: 336 746-5132
    470 Marty Lane
    Lexington, NC 27292-8095

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  • Step ONE - I will take St. John's Wort antidepressant
  • Step TWO - I will seek support duing every STEP from NoSmoking.
  • Step THREE - My mind is made up NOT to smoke in any vehicle or any building
  • Step FOUR - I will NOT inhale.
  • Step FIVE - I do not want to take cigarettes with me.
  • ©2000, Bill Allred