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I Can Have Health, Wealth, and Happiness

and... Why NOT?

This guide is written in first person because there is power when "I" is proclaimed. So read this guide as if it was written for you alone.
    My Mind Is Made Up
  • I must have a goal, a plan, and then act. As far as I am concerned, I am equal to any person in the world. I must know myself. I can have a full life, a life of success, happiness and peace of mind. I must set aside a few golden moments each day for quiet study of the affirmations as set forth in this guide.

  • Equal opportunity for me. I can be successful. I was created equal to all. My lack is an excuse --- not a reason. If I put my heart into it, there's fun and fortune to be found. If I want to make a million dollars --- I can. I need only to excel in whatever task I set about to achieve. In the eyes of my Creator, I was created equal to all others. He gave me the power to become what I want to become. I must prepare to receive that which I earnestly desire. I will pay the price and constantly move in the direction of my goal. Out of each adversity I can find the seed of an equal or grater opportunity. I will take possession of my own mind and use it to the ends of my choosing. Yesterday is gone forever.

  • I am in the presence of an Infinite and Eternal Energy from which all things proceed. A Supreme Being. A Supreme Architect. Everything in this universe of God is under the reign of Law. The same law that forms the tear-drop moulds a planet. It is all law. It is order throughout. I should tap this source of infinite power and let it be my guide through a life filled with happiness, peace of mind, health, direction and successful achievement. I have an unwavering faith that I am a part of the great Mind which creates and governs all. I am inseparable from the one great Mind, that I am one with it, a reflection of it, that I am created in its image, and that my ultimate purpose cannot conflict with its ultimate purpose.

  • Faith in myself is the starting point of all successful achievement. A complete, undying, firm faith in my Creator is the surest way to understand myself. I am the divine creation of the Supreme Architect of the universe--the Ominipotence to which Jesus refers when He speaks of the "the kingdom of Heaven is withis us". Once I get a glimpse of myself as I am intended by my Maker to be, with all of my latent possibilities developed into realities, when I once see myself as the superb person it is possible for me to be, nothing and no one but myself can prevent me from attaining my ambition. I must know myself, if I am to grow along the lines of power. Personal power and sterling integrity, makes me great. I must demand great things of myself. Affirm my ability to do and be, and powers which I never dreamed I possessed will leap to my assistance. Trust Myself. There are no obstacle, no difficulties, no power on earth, nothing but myself that can make God's promiss to me void. "Behold, I have set before you an open door which no man can shut."

  • A Will to Succeed

  • No one can help me if I do not want to help myself. I must have the will to achieve the object of my desires. A will to succeed is a resolute determination. It is a burning desire to attain the object of my wishes. It is enthusiastic faith in the attainment of my goal -- an object of my desires. I have an unwavering faith in reaching my objects of desire. I must set goal(s) for myself and work steadfastly toward that goal(s) and I will achieve that goal(s). Setting goals without a will to succeed is like praying for rain while displaying my disbelief by not carrying an umbrella. I must prepare to receive my object of desire. The kingdom of heaven is within me. I am created in His image. It is impossible to believe that God is my Father and that I am made in his image without feeling like a billion dollars. Believe and succeed. This is terrific. Knowing that I can get whatever I want out of life without violating the rights of others is the starting point.

  • Energy of will---self-originating force. Where it is, there is life. I get out of life just what I put into it. I am strong, therefore I can make opportunities. Where there is a will there is a way. As I resolve upon doing a thing, by that very resolution often scales the barriers to it, and secures its achievement. I can make molehills from mountains once I resolutely determine to do a thing. As I intensely will to do a thing I will find a way. An intense desire itself transforms possibility into reality. My resolute determination is desire plus expectation. I know that sometime, somewhere, my dream is coming true. Determination. Determination. Determination. What I wish I am. Whatever I wish to be seriously, and with a true intention, that I become. I have the determination and persistency to live constantly in the presence of my supreme ambition.

  • The law is this: My sub-conscious will respond with the exact quantity and quality, that I was conscious of, or that I mentally discerned, at the time the impression was made. I must live constantly in my deep interior feeling of greater power, greater intelligence, greater personal worth and greater mental brilliance.

  •  Goals

  • Without a destination I cannot hope to arrive. I must have a definite goal. There are two kinds of goals. Long-range goal or goals, and Short-range goals. My long-range goals should be the end result that I am shooting for in this life. My highest ambition in life. I must picture myself ten years from now, twenty years from now, etc. I must select a long-range goal

  • The quickest way for me to reach my goal(s) is to forever keep before me a mental picture of my long-range goal. It must burn incessantly. It must be my lighthouse, my guiding beacon. It is not an amount of money but the things that such a sum of money would provide for me and others. What will I be doing with a sum of money? What does my house look like? What kind of car am I driving? I must visualize every detail of what a sum of money will do for me and others. Remember, it is impossible to succeed at the expense of others.

  • I must make my long-range goal big, bigger than I ever dreamed of up to this point. I must keep it realistic, but now that I know who my Co-Partner is, I will not settle for mediocrity. I must plant my seed in fertle soil, cultivate and attend to it, and I will be rewarded with a bountiful harvest. He'll be with me wherever I go. He's the greatest, most powerful, most wonderful partner in the whole world. I must make this partnership now, and watch the world stand aside to let me pass. I must write my goal out on a piece of paper. I must hold the mental image and daily review the written statement. I will announce my plans only to those who will contribute to my achievement. Let the rest of the world see what I've done after I've done it

  • My burden will be lightened if I break the overall journey down into small parts. These small parts are my short-range goals. I can climb a number of progressive short hills with ease. When I've climbed enough small hills, low I will have reached the mountain top.

  •  Plan

  • Design and plan comprise the unmistakable language of nature. Working without a plan. is as foolish as going to sea without a compass. Once I have determined my chief aim in life, it then becomes necessary for me to map out a plan for its attainment. Each little detail is worked out to perfection. Everything must be worked out in an orderly fashion. I must work out my plan for attainment with the skill of an Admiral or General. I must make provisions for alternative plans because if it doesn't work out I should change it and work another plan. I can change my plans on the road to attainment but I should not change the goal I seek. My plan should be written out. I must accomplish each short-range goal in the order of their importance. I must set forth exactly what I intend to give in return for the attainment of my chief aim in life. I must have a description of my contribution.

  •  Action

  • Action. Action. Always Action. NOW. ACTION. Action. There is no other way. Once my goal is made, when my sail is set, I must act at once. Do it now. Do it now. DO IT NOW. Purpose must be followed by action. I must not wait for opportunities, I must make them. I must seize upon whatever is at hand, work out my problems and master my situation. A great action is always preceded by a great purpose. My achievement will always be proportional to the amount of my daring and doing. Action persistent driving, the constant labor necessary to execute the plans or alternate plans. Each expended effort should bring me one step closer to the realization of my goal or goals.

  • Faith in self, or self confidence, is the starting point of all achievement. Next on the road to successful achievement is desire. A burning desire. A desire as great as a person who is drowning desires a breath of air. GOAL - PLAN - ACTION

  •  Work

  • Work is the one great law of the world. Work leads organized matter slowly but steadily to its own goal. Work or starve is nature's motto. Whatever is not used, dies. Mine is a labor of love. I would do what I have chosen to do even if I didn't make any money. When I just can't wait to get on the job early and find it difficult to leave late, I know that I have found my calling. Unless I love my work, I am wasting my labors. Happiness and love should be the deciding factor in my vocation. The more brains that I mix with my muscles, the greater the rewards. I am conscientious, dedicated, devoted to my task. I give it everything I've got. The quality of my work is my trademark.

  •  Concentration

  • Concentration of effort is a key to my success. Once I have established my goal, let all of my energies be concentrated upon that one objective. Concentration of purpose. The power to bring all of my scattered forces into one focal point make all the difference between success and failure. I must do one thing supremely.

  • The Law of Cause and Effect is a fundamental law of life. I will find pretty much what I am looking for. I give kindness and love, and kindness and love come back to me. I give hatred, indifference or scorn, and my return is hatred, indifference or scorn. My own will come to me sooner or later. That which I deserve I get.

  • The Law of Cause and Effect. For every action there is an equal reaction. Whatever I send out, inevitably comes back to me. Coupled with the Law of Increasing Returns, it not only comes back to me but it comes back greatly multiplied in kind. In due time nature not only returns to me my one kernel of corn but an ear of corn under the Law of Cause and Effect, that which I give, not only comes back in kind, but it also compensates me for my labors and intelligence under the Law of Increasing Returns. Nature pays me in my own coin, if I smile, it smiles upon me in return, Hate-hate, frown-frown, etc. The Law of Cause and Effect tells me that my rewards in life will always be in exact proportion to my contributions. "Give and ye shall receive." That which I sow, I must inevitably reap. If I give of myself, my time, talents, energies, money, to make this world a better place in which to live, I will see how surely the world has become better for me. It is just as easy to be good and kind as it is to be grouchy and mean. I will smile and the world will smile back at me. I will go the extra mile by doing the extra little things

  •  Magnetic Personality

  • I am down-to-earth. I show kindness and goodwill to all people. I do not neglect the small courtesies of life. I desire to do good for others. Character is what I am, reputation is what others think I am. My love is not influenced by selfish motives. I am kind and unselfishly do for others. I know that it is the bright and cheerful spirit that wins the final triumphs. I am of good cheer. I am a smiling person of good cheer. My cheerfulness is contagious.

  • I am a good listener because it facilitates communication. Communication is a two-way process. I ask questions. I overcome difficulties with courage. I have the courage to be myself. I know that nothing will develop a spirit of true politeness except a mind imbued with goodness, justness, and generosity. True politeness is everywhere the same.

  • Under given circumstance I act with a mathematical precision and immediately. I have a modest consciousness of my own worth, and a sincere desire to be of worth to others, I must necessarily display true dignity in my manner and bearing towards others.

  • I reign within myself, and rule passions, desires, and fears. I have self restraint, self balance. I am faithful to myself, faithful to my watch and control my tongue, eye, and hand. My enthusiasm is faith in action. My enthusiasm is the solid faith in a first cause, solid faith in myself and I am rooted in my belief of my mission or calling.

  • I can import such a concentration of my will upon the realization of my worthwhile idea as to impel it forward over the next gigantic barrier, or to crush every opposing force that stands in my way of triumph. My enthusiasm knows nothing but success. My enthusiasm will open a door when other keys fail. I represent my ideals in a clear manner.

  • I will never dispise anyone, I consider one above me as my father, my equal as my brother, and my inferior as my son. I have genuine compassion for all mankind. My fondness for people means respect and admiration for all people. "God is my father, man is my brother."

  • My frugality preserves and protects for the future. I deny myself some luxuries, and save to lay the base of independence in the future. I will economize and be frugal because it is absolutely the only way to get a solid fortune. I will get ahead of my expenses. I can not stand tall and look up if I am chained at the feet with debt.

  • Only gentle words will proceed from my mouth. I will speak gently, not harshly. I will habitually observe the truth. Truth is always consistent with itself. The love of truth and right is the mainspring source of integrity. All my dealings will be fair and square.

  • True honor is internal and it controls my conduct and action. "I will do unto others as I would have others do unto me." I don't save my kind words and pleasing acts, I spend them freely. I do the right thing at the right time without offending others. I am tolerant. Tolerance is not the willingness to change my opinions but rather a recognition of the rights of others to have their own opinions.

  •  Accomplishment

  • Everything that has ever been made was first a thought before it became a thing. There are undreamed-of possibilities which I may achieve through my own mental control. There is nothing in all the world that would mean more to my life mentally, physically, and morally than to persistently practice, with all the stregth I possess, the power of controlling my mind, by excluding all other things, and concentrating my thoughts and desires upon those elements of strength which I wish to attain.

  • Scarcely anything seems impossible to me when I will strongly enough and long enough. To succeed I must always in my mind or imagination live, move, think, and act as if I have gained the success, or I never will gain it. When I firmly hold that resolve it makes me gravitate to whatever place I seek.

  • What I accomplish is just in proportion to the vividness, the energy and persistency with which I visualize my ideals, hold to my dreams and struggle to make them come true. Whatever comes to me in life I usually create first in my mentality. I create mentally everything which later becomes a reality in my achievement. My heart longings, my soul aspirations, are something more than mere vaporings of imagination. They are the forerunners of the actual things. I hold a picture, the plan of the person I long to be and that I am resolved to be, and stick to my mental plan of a glorious future. I will not give up in discouraged moments or allow any obstacle to blur my ideals. I will persist in visualizing the ideal person I am determined to be, and I will always think of myself as I am ambitious to become. I will become and grow more and more like that which I cherish, harbor, and constantly long for, and I will lose or become unlike that which I hate, despise, and habitually deny.

  • If I constantly aspire and strive for something better and higher and nobler, I cannot help broadening and improving. The ambition that is dominant in my mind tends to work itself out in my life. This is the secret of the Law of Autosuggestion. I picture in my mind the able, earnes, useful person I desire to be and the thought I hold is hourly transforming me into that particular individual I so admire. I accomplish my hearts desire by always thinking about it. I was born to control my affairs and circumstances.

  • I bring forth into reality the images which I have Planted. The way to get what I want is to persistently hold the thought of their identity constantly in my mind. When the laws of nature are working for men, I cannot fail.

  • I am what my thinking makes me. My mind is the motive power that governs everything, everywhere, but nowhere so truly as in my own self. My thoughts are not things but the forces back of things, the creators of things. My thoughts are power -- all else are the effects of my thoughts. What I am tomorrow depends on my present thinking.

  • As I thinketh in my heart. The thoughts associated with earnest feelings, the thoughts upon which I concentrate attention, the thoughts that are habitual with me -- these are the mighty forces that make me what I am. My conscious mind produces the impression, my subconscious mind produces the expression.

  • Self mastery is the greatest task to which I can ever set my hand. Control my thinking. Control my mind. I should stop fighting my weaknesses by sheer force of will, where I meet them fullfledged at the surface of life, and begin to control the root-couse of all weakness -- the thoughts back in my mind. I will not do what I wish to do, but what I ought to do, that is what makes me happy and gives me peace. A self-controlled mind is a free mind, and freedom is power. When I live each day as if my whole existence is telescoped down to the single day before me -- this is self control.

  • Can I dare claim to know God while harboring fear, worry, anxiety, ill-will against others, jealousy and thoughts of revenge? I win half the battle when I make up my mind to take the world as I find it, including the thorns. A positive mental attitude kills fear and worry -- the evil demons of happiness, peace of mind and all that is good. My positive mental attitude comes to me first of all, if I desire it. It remains, if I use it. The world belives in me when I believe in myself, but has little use for me when I am uncertain of myself. I must stand on my own two feet. I may succeed when others do not believe in me, but never when I do not believe in myself.

  •  Law of Habit

  • Good habits push me to success, bad habits will lead to my destruction. I develop habits through the Law of Habits, by repetitively doing a thing over and over. My habit may be good or bad, but is formed by frequently repeating an impression. I should see to it that all of my actions and all of my thoughts are properly directed. Directed to worthy ideals, to fullness of life, to noble aims, to the virtues, if I am to attain successful achievement.

  • My every repeated act and thought will become fixed, whereupon they can be changed only by the difficult labors of the will together with a regrooving process based upon the requisite acts of repetition. On the acquisition of a new habit, or in leaving off an old one, I must take care to launch myself with as strong and decided an initiative as possible. I must accumulate all the possible circumstances which shall reinforce the right motives, put myself assiduously in conditions that encourage the new way, make engagements incompatible with the old, take a public pledge if the case allows, in short envelop my resolution with every aid I know. The best way for me to eliminate an evil habit is to replace it with a good habit. I must be as determined in the application of my new habit as I was with my old habit. Before long, my old habit will have been replaced by my new habit. If I do not look up, I shall look down.

  • Let me earnestly resolve that no day shall go by without a certain amount of time being spent in study or reading of these affirmations.

  •  The Beginning

  • When I once see my opportunity, I am to think for it, plan for it, work for it, live for it -- throw my mind, might strength, heart, and soul into it, and success will crown me.

  • "Ask, and it shall be given you, seek, and ye shall find, knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh, receiveth, and he that seeketh, findeth, and to him that knocketh, it shall be opened." If I believe this then: I ask and it is given to me; I seek and I find; I knock and the door is opened for me.

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This I Can Guide was Compiled by Bill Allred, BS,MS
Our email address is:
Phone: 336 746-5132
470 Marty Lane
Lexington, NC 27292-8095

©2000, Bill Allred