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The World's Greatest People I Can Stop Smoking

FREEThe University
of Hard Knocks Degree
I Can Easily Make Someone Happy and It's FREE. YES It Is.
I Can Now Have A FREE, Authentic, Original, and Unique Degree
for Mom, Dad, Wife, Friend, Grandmother, Aunt, or Boss, etc.
Go See a Sample Degree

It So Easy and FREE - Just Click Here to email Us

All you have to do is to email us Your Name and the name of the person for whom you would like us to make a University of Hard Knocks Degree. We will make their Bachelor of Science Degree for you and email it right back to you as an attachment. All you have to do is print it out and give it to the person. Each FREE, Authentic, and Unique Degree is individually crafted. Limit of one free one per person. Each addition one is only $5.00. The University of Hard Knocks Degree is 8 1/2 x 11 inches and suitable for framing. The University of Hard Knocks also conveys the Master of Science Degree as well as the Doctor of Philosophy Degree for only $5.00 each. Please tell a couple of friends about The University of Hard Knocks because they too have friends to make smile. For FREE World's Greatest People Certificate click box at top.

Our email address is:
Phone: 336 746-5132
470 Marty Lane
Lexington, NC 27292-8095

How To Order FREE Degree

How To Order FREE Degree
©2000, Bill Allred